1. About MAT

PhRMA’s Medicine Assistance Tool (MAT) is a web platform designed to help patients, caregivers and health care providerA person or entity that provides health care services. This could be a doctor, nurse, physician’s assistant or other health care service provider. Also see Network.s learn more about the resources available through the various biopharmaceutical industry programs offered to those who need financial support due to their lack of insurance or inadequate prescription medicine coverage. MAT is not its own patient assistance program, but rather a search engine for many of the support programs and resources that the biopharmaceutical industry has been offering for decades.

Health care providerA person or entity that provides health care services. This could be a doctor, nurse, physician’s assistant or other health care service provider. Also see Network.s play a crucial role in spreading the word that patients in need may be eligible for various forms of assistance in obtaining their medications, including some free or nearly free options. Physicians, nurses and other health care providerA person or entity that provides health care services. This could be a doctor, nurse, physician’s assistant or other health care service provider. Also see Network.s can also go to www.mat.org to get information on available patient assistance programs, co-pay support programs and other helpful resources for the patients under their care. Additionally, many of the financial assistance programs require physicians to sign and fill out portions of program enrollment forms, including adding patient prescription information. Some programs also require the physician to mail or fax the enrollment form on behalf of the patient.

Each program identified in MAT has its own enrollment and renewal requirements. Many programs require you to re-apply every year. When MAT identifies programs based on criteria provided by the user, the user can typically find its specific requirements on the program’s web page or application form. Some programs require you to call them to get program details.

No. MAT helps you find programs and resources you may be eligible for but does not process the enrollment applications for those programs. A program’s enrollment application typically provides directions on where it should be emailed, faxed or mailed.

MAT is a search engine that contains information on approximately 900 public and private assistance programs that help those with financial need get access to their prescription medicines, including some free or nearly free options. To use MAT, visit My Background, enter any medications you need help accessing, enter your information (i.e., age, location, income, insurance coverage and household size) and MAT will produce search results that identify programs and resources that might be able to help you.

MAT was created by Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), which represents the top innovative biopharmaceutical research companies. PhRMA works in partnership with health care providerA person or entity that provides health care services. This could be a doctor, nurse, physician’s assistant or other health care service provider. Also see Network.s, pharmacists, patient advocacy organizations and community groups in an ongoing effort that enables MAT to make it easier for those with financial need to access their prescription medicines. Learn more about MAT and its partners at Who We Are.

2. Additional Information

Send corrections to help@mat.org or use our feedback form.

MAT is not currently hiring.

MAT is a clearinghouse to identify potential prescription assistance programs and other forms of prescription assistance options for those in need, but we do not offer prescription assistance or benefitsHealth care items or services covered by health plans. Examples include emergency services, hospitalization, prescription drugs, laboratory services and wellness visits. cards ourselves. Please contact the specific prescription assistance or benefit card program regarding program information and expiration dates.

MAT does not mail program information. However, program information and enrollment forms for many programs can be downloaded directly from the MAT site and printed for your convenience.

MAT is a passive clearinghouse for patient assistance program information. We do not have the resources to assist individual users.

3. Am I Eligible?

Each assistance program has its own eligibility criteria. Some are specifically for those who are uninsured or underinsured (lacking adequate coverage with the insurance they currently have). Some require commercial insurance coverage. Others exclude those who are eligible for government sponsored programs or allow them under certain circumstances. To see what programs you might be eligible for, visit My Background, enter any medications you need help accessing, enter your qualifying information (i.e., age, location, income, insurance coverage and household size) and MAT will produce search results that identify programs and resources that might be able to help you.

Each assistance program has its own eligibility criteria. Please consult the program’s terms and conditions for more information.

The programs and services in the MAT database are generally only available to those living in the United States. Each assistance program has its own eligibility criteria. Please consult the program’s terms and conditions for more information.

Each assistance program has its own eligibility criteria. Many patient assistance programs only accept patients who are uninsured or underinsured (lacking adequate coverage with the insurance they currently have). Some allow other drug coverage, but will only help with expenses not paid for by your other coverage. Please consult the program’s terms and conditions for more information.

Eligibility criteria vary from program to program and may even vary by medicines within a program. Eligibility most commonly depends on factors related to your income, prescription medicines, resident state, age and current prescription drug coverageCoverage under a health plan of medicines that require a prescription (coverage may include restrictions on access to specific medications). See Step Therapy and Prior Authorization.. Please consult the program’s terms and conditions for more information.

Each assistance program has its own eligibility criteria. Please consult the program’s terms and conditions for more information.

You can click on the search results to learn more about each program. You may follow the programs’ enrollment instructions to apply to them. Enrollment for each program is different. You may need to enroll online, call the program providerA person or entity that provides health care services. This could be a doctor, nurse, physician’s assistant or other health care service provider. Also see Network., fill out a PDF enrollment application and mail or fax it to the providerA person or entity that provides health care services. This could be a doctor, nurse, physician’s assistant or other health care service provider. Also see Network., or choose from a combination of those options to apply. Some programs require your doctor or a case worker to fill out part or all of a program’s enrollment form, sign it, and mail or fax it to the program providerA person or entity that provides health care services. This could be a doctor, nurse, physician’s assistant or other health care service provider. Also see Network. on your behalf.

4. Getting Started

If you have trouble opening an enrollment application from the MAT website, try visiting the program providerA person or entity that provides health care services. This could be a doctor, nurse, physician’s assistant or other health care service provider. Also see Network.’s website and try to view it there. If you still have problems opening an enrollment application, contact the program providerA person or entity that provides health care services. This could be a doctor, nurse, physician’s assistant or other health care service provider. Also see Network. directly for help.

MAT does not handle or process applications. Contact the program’s providerA person or entity that provides health care services. This could be a doctor, nurse, physician’s assistant or other health care service provider. Also see Network. to inquire about the status of an application.

MAT is a free service. We will never ask for credit card or other payment information. If someone says they represent MAT and asks for credit card information, requests payment or otherwise attempts to sell you a service, they may be operating a scam to steal from you.

MAT does not accept, review or evaluate applications. Each program providerA person or entity that provides health care services. This could be a doctor, nurse, physician’s assistant or other health care service provider. Also see Network. has its own review process. If you believe you should qualify for a specific program but have been told that you are ineligible, you may contact the program providerA person or entity that provides health care services. This could be a doctor, nurse, physician’s assistant or other health care service provider. Also see Network. directly.

Visit the My Background page for instructions on how to use MAT.

After you have entered your qualifying information on the My Background page, click the “Continue” button at the bottom of the page and you will be presented with assistance programs that match your qualifications.

any of the program’s enrollment forms are PDF files. To open, view or print a PDF file, you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. You can download Adobe Acrobat Reader for free from the Adobe website.

You should be prepared to provide information about your prescribed medicines, age, state of residence, number of people in your household, yearly household income, residency status and what insurance coverage you have, if any. Your responses to these questions are kept confidential pursuant to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

Since MAT is an information resource only and only identifies assistance programs that you may qualify for, you will need to contact the assistance programs directly with specific questions about availability.

Unfortunately, if you do not find your medication on our list, then we do not have assistance program information for it at this time. Please continue to check back for new program information. If you know of a program we should list on our site, please contact us.

Decisions about which medicines are included in a prescription assistance program are made by the participating biopharmaceutical companies that sponsor the programs. When you enter your prescribed medicines and qualifying information on the My Background page, you can find out if they are included in any of our partners’ assistance programs.

Many of America’s biopharmaceutical research companies have programs to help patients better access their medicines. Visit Who We Are for more information.

No. MAT’s role is to help connect uninsured patients as well as patients without adequate insurance coverage to existing patient assistance resources. The best way to find out about a specific drug is to consult with your doctor or pharmacist.

Each organization has its own timeline. Contact the program providerA person or entity that provides health care services. This could be a doctor, nurse, physician’s assistant or other health care service provider. Also see Network.s for more details on the delivery of your medicine.